Facebook ready immersive 360° Images


Add a twist to your Facebook timeline posts

In 2016, Facebook introduced the ability to post immersive images to your timeline where users are able to interact directly with them by moving and turning their phones or tablets.

We can create custom 360 degree content for you, ready to use on your Facebook page. Alternatively, if we are already creating a virtual tour for you, we can reprocess the source imagery from your tour into Facebook 360 ready format for you to drop into your timeline for all your followers to view.

Facebook 360 images are posted like any other image. The additional data in the image file then lets Facebook know this is a 360-degree image so that it can be displayed correctly to anyone viewing it in the Facebook app.

Click on the image to view an interactive 360 on Facebook.

Single Facebook 360 Image

  • A custom 360 view photographed and edited in Facebook 360 format ready to post

Conversion from virtual tour

  • Any single view from your virtual tour re-processed to Facebook 360 format